“Inside the Mind” is a virtual reality experience that transfers the viewer into a mindscape. In the mindscape that is represented as a bedroom, the viewer can explore the elements that make up the mindscape to discover more details about who this mindscape belongs to. The viewer is not manipulating this mindscape but is merely acting as an observer. Utilizing the themes of uncanny valley and absurdity with audio and visual elements, the identity of this mindscape can be explored.
The narrative of this piece is about being randomly placed inside a random person’s head at a random point in time. There is no clear beginning or end, or any logical connections between any objects. This narrative plays off of the idea that AI is not 100% accurate in portraying. This can be seen within the narration and visuals within the experience.
The intention of utilizing virtual reality as a medium is to demonstrate that it is not only for games that have player-driven plots but also for immersive art experiences. As technology becomes an integral tool in new media art, this experience is both an exercise and a demonstration of how interactive installations can utilize virtual reality as a tool for more sensory immersive qualities for storytelling.
The overall experience can last 8 minutes, but participants can choose when to stop the experience as the beginning and end is not clear.
Exhibited at:
2023 - Light Upon Arrival, Bastille Design Center, Paris, France.
2023- (how did we get here?), Paris College of Art Gallery, Paris, France.
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Nonlinear, Mind-Castle
Programs utilized: Autodesk Maya, Blender, Unity, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Substance
The narrative of this piece is about being randomly placed inside a random person’s head at a random point in time. There is no clear beginning or end, or any logical connections between any objects. This narrative plays off of the idea that AI is not 100% accurate in portraying. This can be seen within the narration and visuals within the experience.
The intention of utilizing virtual reality as a medium is to demonstrate that it is not only for games that have player-driven plots but also for immersive art experiences. As technology becomes an integral tool in new media art, this experience is both an exercise and a demonstration of how interactive installations can utilize virtual reality as a tool for more sensory immersive qualities for storytelling.
The overall experience can last 8 minutes, but participants can choose when to stop the experience as the beginning and end is not clear.
Exhibited at:
2023 - Light Upon Arrival, Bastille Design Center, Paris, France.
2023- (how did we get here?), Paris College of Art Gallery, Paris, France.
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Nonlinear, Mind-Castle
Programs utilized: Autodesk Maya, Blender, Unity, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Substance
Mike Kelly. Educational Complex. 1995. Sculpture. Foam , fiberglass, plywood, plexiglass, and mattress. 57 3/4 × 192 3/16 × 96 1/8in. (146.7 × 488.2 × 244.2 cm).
Educational Complex by Mike Kelly
This piece by Mike Kelly draws upon his memory of his childhood school. This is his attempt to recreate it from memory alone, with gaps within spaces that he cannot fully remember. |
/SubSimuatlorGPT2. 2022. Screenshot.
AITA (Am I the Asshole) is a popular subreddit used by people to describe scenarios to understand if they were in the right or wrong. Taken one step further, an AI has recreated this subreddit and all posts and responses are written completely by AI. Some seem plausible, some seem outrageous. I used this as inspiration towards the narrative, making absurb connections between objects and narration as if the mind scape belongs to AI. |
Theoretical References
Mind Castle (Method of Loci) - Greek poet Simonides of Ceos in 477 BC
Method of Loci is a method of memorizing a list of items by thinking of a familiar location (i.e. your home, a neighborhood block, ect) and imagining specific items residing in specific locations). Whenever you need to recall the list, you imagine yourself walking through the location to each item.
Uncanny Valley by Masahiro Mori
The phenomenon of which a humanoid figure creates uneasiness towards a viewer upon seeing this figure or interacting with it.
Kirby Mealer. 3D Room progress. Maya. 2023.
3D Modeling
For all 3D objects within the scene aside from the playable character, they were created within Maya. Theses objects were arranged very similarly to how they would be in the final Unity scene to ensure that the scale in relation to each object was accurate. For the furniture, I referenced the Ikea catalogue to get orthographic views of furniture but purposefully omitted details to keep the objects vaguely similar to their real-world references. The purposes behind modeling everything from scratch was to ensure that I had complete control over how the room looked and can easily animate and texture the meshes as needed without needing to worry about unreliable topology. To put a piece of myself into this project, I utilized old 3D assets that I made during my undergraduate. These models include the dog, the clay hippo, the desk plant, the pens, solo cup, and mug. This both saved time and allows me to to incorporate a more unique personality to the bedroom. In a way, this mindscape partially belongs to me too with the incorporation of theses easter eggs. The only asset not created by me was the VR Playable character, which was from the VR IK Toolkit. It was modified and re-textured for the purpose of this project. |
- Story: Logical and Illogical Phases
For the logical phases, I utilized ChatGPT to create some basic narration about each object, that is vague enough to be relatable but not very personality-defining. This is to allow the owner of this mind to be relatable, but vague. Not one person could be assigned the owner of this mindscape. In relation to this narration, the objects animate in a normal way, such as a dog wagging its tail after it is activated.
For the illogical phase, I referenced the film Un Chien Andalou, which had nightmare-like actions within the film, such as ants crawling out of a hole in a hand. I wanted to incorporate this randomness within my project, and put these random elements within the illogical phases of the objects. The narration for this phase is written by me so that I can exaggerate the uncanniness.
- Story: Utilizing Chat GPT
- Key take-aways using Chat GPT
Animation with Blend Shapes
For some objects, I needed a way to animate the mesh in Unity. In Blender, I created Blend Shapes that allows a mesh to change from one state to another. I then can key these Blend Shapes in Unity and time is according to the narration within the project. |
Kirby Mealer. Bed in Blender. Screen Capture. 2023.
Kirby Mealer. Unity Timeline. Screen Capture. 2023.
Unity Timeline
To use as minimal amount of code as possible, I utilized Unity’s Timeline feature to create a sequence that each object will follow. These sequences are triggered when the participant clicks on the object, and stops when it reaches a signal within the timeline. It when plays from where it stopped the next time it is clicked. When the timeline ends, it resets and the participant can trigger the sequence again. |
Kirby Mealer. Unity Scene. Unity. 2023.
Timelines Within Timelines
Some objects are contained within other timelines, meaning they can only be seen if the original timeline is activated or several timelines are activated in specific orders. For example, a book appears on the bed at the end of the bookshelf timeline. However, if one were to interact with the bed first and the bed is in its second phase where it is raised, you will not see the book if you interact with the bookshelf next. This adds an extra layer to the narrative, creating the possibility to miss some elements. |