"My First Houseplant" is a prototyped created by Kirby Mealer and Esther Ubong-Abasi as a demonstration of what we learned during a series of adruino workshops.
Together we used Arduino boards to create an interactive house plant toy, a parody of interactive baby dolls. To make this regular houseplant into an interactive children's toy, we used an ultrasonic distance sensor, tilt sensor, and we made our own humidity sensor and applied our own voice lines when these sensors were activated.
Programs used: Arduino
"My First Houseplant" is a prototyped created by Kirby Mealer and Esther Ubong-Abasi as a demonstration of what we learned during a series of adruino workshops.
Together we used Arduino boards to create an interactive house plant toy, a parody of interactive baby dolls. To make this regular houseplant into an interactive children's toy, we used an ultrasonic distance sensor, tilt sensor, and we made our own humidity sensor and applied our own voice lines when these sensors were activated.
Programs used: Arduino
Initital concept sketch for "My First Houseplant." Kirby Mealer and Esther Ubong-Abasi. Sketch. 2021.
Using open source code, Esther and I were able to modify it and used it for our own project. We used the program Arduino to combine the code, and then Pd-l2ork to program it. Using the example our professor Ben Gaulon provided us with in class, we modified it in order to execute what we wanted.
In the end, this code allowed us to play 4 sounds at random when someone approaches, can detect being tilted and respond verbally, and verbally inform if the plant is lacking water. |
Screen capture of Pd-l2ork. Kirby Mealer and Esther Ubong-Abasi. Pd-l2ork. 2021.
Screen capture of PurrData. Kirby Mealer and Esther Ubong-Abasi. PurrData. 2021.
Code Sources
Distance Sensor: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/Nicholas_N/distance-measurement-with-an-ultrasonic-sensor-hy-srf05-64554e Humidity Sensor: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/millerman4487/diy-plant-moisture-sensor-474543 Tilt sensor: https://www.arduinoplatform.com/arduino-sensor-detecting-movement-with-a-tilt-sensor/ |
Final prototype. Kirby Mealer and Esther Ubong-Abasi. 2021.