⚡️Student projects⚡️”Digital v/s Physical” is a new media project by MFA student @kirbyemmittart9/26/2022 Written by pca.transdisciplinarynewmedia
Original post: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-StSAI_X_/?hl=en ⚡️Student projects⚡️”Digital v/s Physical” is a new media project by MFA student @kirbyemmittart “My drawing practice has always been entirely digital and never have I brought it into the physical world. Using the AxiDraw, I will be taking drawings that I created digitally and recreate them into the physical world. Usually, people start with physical art and then transition into digital art. Starting digital art at the age of 11, I have always been more comfortable with digital art. I’ve found it more malleable and easier to explore than physical art. There is a difference between the art pieces in the digital and physical. Knowing that there is no way to make the art exactly the same, I explored different colors and brush techniques for both the digital and physical art to create unique pieces. The ending sets of drawings are both related in content, but can stand alone as both physical and digital pieces separately. In the end, they are not copies of each other. They are unique. You can never perfectly replicate the digital. And the physical copies will never be exactly the same. Each brush stroke cannot be done the same way twice, and the water color will not bleed the same way each time.“ Kirby Kirby-Emmitt Mealer @pariscollegeofar #artschool #artcollege #artuniversity #artstudents #pariscollegeofart #arteducation#artanddesign #art #studyabroad #goabroad #internationalstudents #distanceeducation#community #onlineeducation
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